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30 Day Map Challenge 2023

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Map of the North West USA and Canada showing points where the tallest peaks of the Rocky Mountains are situated.

Day 1 - Points

Plan: To plot the locations of the tallest, most prominent and most isolated peaks in the Rocky Mountain Range.

Map showing the streets of the City of London in different colours.

Day 2 - Lines

Plan: Plot the walking paths around the City of London in an artistic way.

Map showing the different constituency regions of Scotland and Wales different colours.

Day 3 - Polygons

Plan: Map the Scottish and Welsh constituency regions.

Map showing all the different locations accross the USA where there have been mass shootings.

Day 4 - A Bad Map

Plan: Map the locations of all the mass shootings in the USA in 2023.

Hand drawn map of Asia on a pumpkin

Day 5 - Analog Map

Plan: Draw Asia on a pumpkin.

Tourism Revenue in Thailand

Day 6 - Asia

Plan: Plot tourism revenue in Thailand.

Tourism Revenue in Thailand

Day 7 - Navigation

Plan: Show you the way to Amarillo.

Tourism Revenue in Thailand

Day 8 - Africa

Plan: Map the usage of the different major languages in South Africa.

red hexbin map showing worst affected areas for mass shootings in the usa

Day 9 - Hexagons Map

Plan: Recycle Day 4 data to buld a hexbin map.

map showing the different areas of permafrost in canada colour coded by extent and ground ice content

Day 10 - North America Map

Plan: plot the extent and ground ice levels of the permafrost areas in Canada

map showing the different areas of permafrost in canada colour coded by extent and ground ice content

Day 11 - Retro

Plan: Plot a retro issue! Counties consuming the most CFC's (which damage the Ozone Layer)

3D Relief Map of the Chilean Andes

Day 12 - South America

Plan: Plot an elevation map of the Chilean Andes Mountains

World map showing the USA with the greatest number of sales by Taylor Swift

Day 13 - Chloropleth

Plan: Plot countries based on number of total album sales by Taylor Swift.

Map showing some of the best points to see the northern lights in norway colour themed around the northern lights

Day 14 - Europe

Plan: Artistically plot some of the 'best' places in Norway to see the Northern Lights.

Map of Hong Kong

Day 15 - Open Street Map

Plan: Use Prettymaps to plot somewhere that looks interesting from above.

3D Map of New Zealand

Day 16 - Oceania

Plan: Plot a relief map of New Zealand and the surrounding seabed.

Map of Ontario's watercourses

Day 17 - Flow

Plan: Make an artistic map of the river watercourses in Ontario.

world map highlighting countries which produced the most co2

Day 18 - Atmosphere

Plan: Compare countries who produce the most total CO2 with countries that produce the most CO2 per capita.

Day 19 - 5 Minute Map

Plan: Plot a map as fast as I can!

Strava art of the word 'Outdoors'

Day 20 - Outdoors

Plan: Produce Strava Art of the word "Outdoors".

Contour map of the Mariana Trench

Day 21 - Raster

Plan: Produce a contour map of the Mariana Trench.

Upside down globe

Day 22 - North is not always up

Plan: Play around with locked positions in mapbox studio.

3D Map of the Falkland Isles and the surrounding seabed

Day 23 - 3D

Plan: Plot a relief map of the Falkland Islands and the surrounding seabed.

black and white high resolution REM map of North River in the USA

Day 24 - Black and White

Plan: Play with REM's and Lidar Data.

REM Map of antarctic glacier

Day 25 - Antarctica

Plan: Continue to play with REM's and Lidar Data and explore their depictions of glaciers and the striations they produce.

minimal line map of verona

Day 26 - Minimal

Plan: Plot a minimalist road map of Verona, Italy.

minimal shape map of denmark

Day 27 - Dot

Plan: Draw size proportional dots for the provinces of Denmark.